Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sutton PCT and DEIVF

Hi guys,

Giving you an update.  To be honest I am feeling completely numb and I am going to need some time to think about our next steps.  I received a letter from the head of the ACU at Queen Mary's Roehampton.  The letter basically said that because my postcode doesn't fall within Wandsworth, any funding would be done via Sutton PCT, and would I like to referred over.  I rang the ACU at St Helier, Sutton and I was informed that my PCT stopped all referrals for IVF, regardless of patients' medical background, on April 30th 2011.  As a result I have no funding even though I have a legitimate medical issue that has led to my infertility in the first place.  I have to say I am beyond gutted by this news, and spent a good deal of yesterday afternoon in tears.  I am so mad at Sutton PCT right now.  I am a tax payer and yet they are denying me the treatment I need.  I am seriously aiming to name and shame them!  This has now left us with the following options:

A) Do nothing.
B) Complain via PALS.
C) Adopt.
D) Move house.
E) Go private.

At the moment, options E and A are a no go, we do not have the funds to go private.  I am going to start work on my case and get researching. 
More to the point, I don't even know if I am going to get my hysteroscopy on the NHS.  It is worth noting that the ACU staff at Roehampton referred me for this as a shadow was found on my scan.  This shadow could be anything froma polyp to a tumour! 
I am not going down without a fight on this issue.  

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