Monday, 25 April 2011

Teenager fakes pregnancy in social experiment
Hi all,

Hope you have all had a peaceful and chocolatey Easter!  I am still waiting for my first appointment  but hey ho.  I am a little frustrated still but, having worked for the NHS, I know that these things take time as so many people use the service.  Moreover, the two neighbouring PCTs Surrey and Sutton and St Helier have stopped all referrals!!!!!!
Anyhow, I am using this time to seriously think about the medical, emotional and ethical issues surrounding the treatment that we are hoping to undertake.  I stumbled across this amazing article from the USA, where a teenager faked a pregnancy for six months in order to gauge social reaction. It was shocking to find that she lost so many friends because of it.  Even her siblings didn't know about the plot.  She only told her boyfriend, head teacher and parents.  It really got me thinking that pregnancy and raising a family is extremely political.  It seems to me that a woman can't win.  If she has children too young i.e. under 21yrs old, then she is branded irresponsible and a benefits sponger.  If she has children between 21-35yrs old, it is only acceptable if she is married and even then many criticise her for not having a real job and she is 'just' a mum!!!!!  If she is over 35yrs old then she is too old and is risking her child's health and is selfish.  Finally, woe betide the woman who doesn't have children at all, regardless of the reason.  She is branded a selfish career woman who is cold and heartless.....nice!  Sorry for these notes, but I am feeling tired and  I  have to ask the question 'why do I want a child?'  Is it to fit in with everybody else, after all, I have been badly affected by the fact that one my SIL has recently had a baby and my other SIL is pregnant?  Is because I want to defy the doctor's diagnosis?  Is it because I want a child to love and rear and be a mum with all the ups and downs included?  I deeply love the kids I teach but I guess it so different to having one of your own.  I have to be honest and reply 'yes' to all of these questions. It doesn't make me a bad person, just honest, and I ask, how many people who just had kids naturally even asked that question?

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