Morning all. Over the last few days I have been reading several articles in the press regarding a new technique where a child could be created from matter from two mothers and one father. The hope is that many genetic disorders could effectively be wiped out.
Even though this process seems to be at a very early stage, it has ignited a furious ethical debate. Firstly, that old chestnut of the rights and wrongs of scientists meddling with people who some may say should be having children if it can't happen naturally and that the disabled have a right to life as they are. My arguement would be that such a treatment would protect those individuals from many horrendous conditions that affect their lives daily in many ways and would it not help the potential parents too. I'm sure my parents would say that they had an extra tough time with me as it was, without the extra mild learning difficulties. I can't imagine what it must be like having to support a child with a really serious issue. I feel that those who are against such treatment are those who either don't want children or who have been blessed with multiple children in perfect health so either way the issue doesn't affect them. It is these people, generally, in my experience who are most unsupportive of even the most basic IF problems and even go as far as to say that IF sufferers are selfish to want children and to have treatment. I say that I am no more selfish wanting a child than they are, it just so happens they didn't have to think about a problem. Did they not try and try again to have their children, but it just happened to have worked. This is hopefully what I am about to do. Are they not the selfish ones who find themselves unaffected and don't give a toss about those who are affected by various physical/mental issues including the IF patients. After all, am I not selfless enough to put myself under god knows what in order to provide a loving home for a child?
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