Friday, 1 July 2011

MSN DEIVF NHS Postcode Lottery Article

This article has got me thinking about the inevitable issue of having to be a donor egg recipient.  As I don't have any eggs of my own due to Turner's Syndrome, this is our situation, but I am worried on several fronts.

1) Ethnicity of the donor:  I am from abroad and would need an egg donor whose DNA would match.  I need to be able to explain my roots to my child.

2)  There are only 1,150 egg donors in the UK means that if nobody comes forward as a match we may have to go abroad, we have no money for this.   I find it so scary that there are so few donors, probably due to the fact that they lose their anonymity.  We need to push this issue.  There are couples out there who can't adopt and need eggs and sperm to help them start a family.

3) Luckily, we are starting tests soon as I am 31yrs old, so we are in no rush even if there is a long list.  I just hope I am applicable.

4)  Many PCTs are now arbitrarily denying couples IVF.  There needs to be a national standard. So far, so good on this one for me.  As we are getting in early, I am expecting a wait.   

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