Thursday, 14 July 2011

Really mum...... text message and Facebook mentioned.

I guess this is a rant but I just had to share.  I was woken up by a text message from my mum.  The text basically mentioned my pregnant sister's dog had been rushed to the vet after accidentally eating chocolate.  She went on to say that she had seen a really cute ladybird babysuit like the one my sister had as a baby.  Was this really the kind of thing I needed to read? Yes, she must be so happy to be a Granny but please just share that with my sister privately and not me!  It was too much.  It just made me think that there is now a link that they share and I never will, it makes me feel low.  I also just had to switch off my and DH family members from Facebook as I just can't take all the pictures and comments.  They have the perfect right to be happy but they know about my situation, I guess I was silly to think that they would even think for a second about somebody else.  Anyhow, on a happier note I actually managed to get a lovely bundle of clothes!!! Shocking really as I usually find it so hard to buy anything apart from shoes and underwear!!!!!

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