Thursday, 19 May 2011

Daily Mail Article- extremely insensitive to infertile people

I am completely shocked to see this article published by this paper.  It explains how 19-20% of British women are childless by the menopause, and calls them 'barren'.  Barren means infertile not childless by choice.  It then insinuates that these women then go on to regret their decision.  I for one am sick of being lumped together with those people who have made a decision not to breed (a decision which I find admirable).  I am childless not by choice, I have no say in the matter and I am being treated like a 'cold hearted career woman'.  I am dreading having to face my forties with a new barage of questions about why I never chose to start a family with such a loving husband.  When will these challenges ever stop!!!

1 comment:

  1. Here is the comment I posted in reply to Daniel Martin's article. So far, I have had 45 'thumbs up' points from other readers. Shame on you Daniel, call yourself a jounalist, you are in sore need of a dictionary to understand what the term 'barren' means!!!

    DM, this is one of the most tasteless articles you have ever published. By using the word 'barren' to mean childless by choice, you are lumping together those women who have chosen not to have a family and via the tacky photo incinuate that they then regret it, or if they don't they are somehow less than women. This is not true, barren means that medically a woman or man cannot reproduce. As somebody who is infertile and cannot adopt or undertake any form of treatment, this is deeply insulting and shows how ill researched this article is and how illiterate your paid journalists are. How about printing an article about the way infertile women are berated left, right and centre by family, the media and popular culture which makes the experience even more painful.
