I saw this article and I can certainly empathise with the writer. Even though we've known that we would be facing issues from day one, I understand what it is like to be in her shoes. I was fortunate to have a damn good education (which is something I am eternally grateful to my parents), university, very happy marriage, drama school and even some subsequent work (albeit etc, but when it comes down to it, one thing I can't get is a pregnancy and subsequent child. I am being stumped by something that is completely out of my control. Those people out there who have never dealt with IF will never get how defeated you feel by your own body when it can't do this most natural of things. In fact, I would argue that a baby is a secondary desire to that most terrifying fear when you realise that your body, for whatever reason, isn't working. For some, this is after months of ttc nothing happens and the tests start or in my case a pre -diagnosed issue that has is tough enough to deal with but IF is the icing on the cake. It is this process of knowing that something is wrong with your body that needs investigating because it could be the start of something more serious is something that should be acknowledged by people in general. IF is so much more than a quest for a baby!
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